Dear all members,
Couple of dates for your diary -
Firstly - Saturday 25th Nov from 9am we need as many volunteers as possible at the ground to take down the nets. We need about 10 minimum so please let me know if you can make it.
Secondly, annual Christmas Burger Charger night is booked - once again at Urban Burger, Exeter - Saturday 16th December - we need to pre order so please check out the menu and let Ash Berry know your choice.
The new 2018 General Management Committee meet on Thursday 30th Novemember, if there is anything you would like to raise, please contact Lloyd White on
Finally - January 31st is the cut off point for Tour deposits to Lloyd or Ash Harvey. Response has been great so far but please keep getting your deposits in. Any questions about the above, just ask.
Lloyd White
Hon. Secretary
Tour Information
As you may or may not know, but Ashburton Cricket Club are on tour in 2018! Cardiff is the venue, in the last weekend of April. Fixtures have been sorted against St Fagans and Whitchurch-Heath and the Sandringham Hotel is already booked – just seconds away from the town centre. Deposits of just £40 can be paid to reserve your room and book your place on the tour. Activities such as golf and zorb football are also being organised, as well as a visit to the SWALEC on the Friday to watch some County Championship cricket – fixture depending. The tour is open to all, so just let me know if you are interested – Likewise, any questions, just ask. Deposits can be paid by bank transfer or in cash to myself or Ash Harvey. Finally, I am delighted to announce Buzz Lacey as off the field tour captain (captain says billy bong!) and Ash will be acting as fines master! Acc No: 25482060 – Sort code: 30-96-23 (Put your name as reference) (Total price for the room is £73.80 and therefore just £33.80 to be paid once deposit is paid – if you would like, full payment can be made immediately)